Trade Manager Issues

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ewilkens said:
alright, we'll have to figure out what the issue is still, but at least you got the trade manager working right now
hey ewikens , im not sure what you did but i started getting all my notifications , they are all old notifications but least they are starting to come in , so hopefully the system catches up with itself and i actually get them in a timely manner and not a day or 2 later .

least its good news that it started working again . ill keep you posted
thevipershouse said:
hey ewikens , im not sure what you did but i started getting all my notifications , they are all old notifications but least they are starting to come in , so hopefully the system catches up with itself and i actually get them in a timely manner and not a day or 2 later .

least its good news that it started working again . ill keep you posted

I personally did nothing, either one of the admins got it, or it just righted itself with time. either way, i'm glad its working. lmk if you experience any more problems
viper - I cleared all of your notifications and then reset them....that may have done it...or like Ewilkens said, it may have righted itself.

keep up posted if you have more issues
BHELSER1981 said:
viper - I cleared all of your notifications and then reset them....that may have done it...or like Ewilkens said, it may have righted itself.

keep up posted if you have more issues
Awesome .. ty , and yes i will keep you updated if i have anymore issues with em . thanks again
I have also been "not getting" email notifications of either my threads or PM's. My settings are right, and I noticed this problem when we were changing servers.
But mine have NOT righted themselves and I am NOT getting any emails.
Just to let you know.
I have noticed that mine started to go to my JUNK MAIL folder... maybe chekc there.. or make sure that is on your email "SAFE LIST" I had to click on a few in my junk mail filter and mark NOT JUNK

hope this helps
I don't have a filter...that I know of or that I know how to work.
I have a spam section in my, but there is nothing in it.
if you use MSN or HOTMAIL you can go to options... email filters and add or remove an email address... let me know what email serivce you use and I can help you out
ac-n-mike said:
if you use MSN or HOTMAIL you can go to options... email filters and add or remove an email address... let me know what email serivce you use and I can help you out
I have Comcast. Upper Midwest cable/internet/phone service.
I am not quite sure what to tell you....

as I said before the noticfications were thrown into my junk bin after the server change....

Not sure why you are not getting them when others are... I will look more into it.. but I am not sure why it would only be your account having issues
gjorda - I just reset your notifiactions the same way I did to theviperhouse's account......fingers crossed
BHELSER1981 said:
gjorda - I just reset your notifiactions the same way I did to theviperhouse's account......fingers crossed
I never got the email notification for this post...not sure if that means something right now.
I also sent an email to my email provider asking for help.
thanks and will keep you updated
Okay, Can someone please pm me and I want to see if this is working.
I contacted my email provider and we are trying something.

She said that if this does not work we could try something else.
Along the same lines; does anyone know if SCF's is having trouble with the email notifications to Comcast customers? that was just a question that she posed to me and it may be the cause of some of these issues.
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