Forum Bugs Thread




We just recently moved and upgraded the forums, and with that comes bugs. Hopefully not many, but if anyone runs into any problems, please let us know by posting what happened in this thread.

I will be checking this thread everyday and fixing problems as they come. Thanks everyone,

I dislike the shrinking posts as they go down the screen...

Second that.

Also, what happened to looking up posts from a certain user? I clicked on a user name, and now it has a "visitor message" thing? WTF is that?

If Red here has taken over for Reiji, can we have an update on all the new stuff?

And get rid of the shrinking post boxes, I'm claustrophobic :shifty:
Thanks for the feedback guys, I am in the process of fixing the posts getting smaller glitch right now, and all of the features plus many more will be returning throughout the next couple days. We just have to upgrade them as well.

Also, as soon as everything is done, I will write a little FAQ about all of the new stuff and how to use it. Expect that around next Monday (Nov. 3). Anyway, keep suggestions and complaints coming and I will try to keep up with you guys and make everything happen.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I am in the process of fixing the posts getting smaller glitch right now, and all of the features plus many more will be returning throughout the next couple days. We just have to upgrade them as well.

Also, as soon as everything is done, I will write a little FAQ about all of the new stuff and how to use it. Expect that around next Monday (Nov. 3). Anyway, keep suggestions and complaints coming and I will try to keep up with you guys and make everything happen.
You can quit now if you want. You have already done more than Reiji did in 5 years. :clap: