Deeeeeetroit Basketball!!!!

What do you have against LeBron? He is very well spoken, never says anything dumb in interviews, etc. If you don't like him then just say so, but I don't think it's right to say he's stupid when he certainly isn't.

Have you switched from Bradys nuts to LeBrons?

Its called BALL BUSTING or Smack talk.

I'm a Pistons fan. Should I be kissing his ass like everyone else?


Go 'Stons! LeBron sucks! :salut:
Ummmm....when did LeBron get traded to the Pistons? My bff was coming to LeBrons defense (unless you are talking about the playful banter with Jerry and Rex):rolleyes:

No he wasn't....he was saying to stop sucking up to Lebron. My post had a typo, it was supposed to say "Your biased and think that anyone who isn't on one of your teams is an idiot."

kadillac- I'm not even an NBA fan, it's just impossible to tell on the internet if someone is playfully saying someone sucks because they are playing against them or if they really do think he sucks.
WTF happened!??!?!?!?! I just got home and was listening to the game on the radio while stuck in traffic. Was the ejection on Dyess really warranted???? HELP!

GO PISTONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve Kerr said he didn't think it should have been a Flagrant 2.

Barkley says yes.

I honestly don't think it should have been a 2. It was a flagrant foul without a doubt. But an ejection? No way.
Steve Kerr said he didn't think it should have been a Flagrant 2.

Barkley says yes.

I honestly don't think it should have been a 2. It was a flagrant foul without a doubt. But an ejection? No way.

Certainly should NOT have been ejected. I think it definitely warranted an intentional or flagrant (or w/e they call them in the NBA these days) but the ejection was dumb. I didn't love how Lebron reacted either :mad:

I swear if I ever see Doug Collins in my life..........

I will punch him in da mouf.