BCS champ Florida starts quest for repeat


Bench Warmer
Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow has a Heisman Trophy, two national title rings and more accolades than most college football players could ever imagine.

He wants more.

Tebow and the defending BCS national champions opened fall practice Thursday with hopes of winning a third title in four years, and they want this one to be special.

The Gators are embracing sky-high expectations that come with returning nearly every starter, and are openly talking about wanting to become the first team in school history to go undefeated.

"It's something that we want," Tebow said, sporting a full beard for the first practice. "That's not our goal. We're not writing that anywhere. We're not posting that. But obviously when we step on the field, we're going to want to win. That would be special, being the first time in Florida history for that. Obviously that is a goal and it's something that I hope comes true."

The Gators realize they're an overwhelming favorite to repeat, maybe even more so than the 2005 Southern California team that featured Matt Leinart and Reggie Bush. The Trojans stormed through the regular season, extending their winning streak to 34 games, but then lost in the title game to Vince Young and Texas.

Although Florida doesn't want to look too far ahead, especially with LSU, Georgia and Florida State on the schedule, players are bracing for each opponent's best shot every week.

"We know the target's on our back and we're ready," linebacker Brandon Spikes said. "Everybody's been looking forward to this day. ... It's just like Christmas."

The Gators opened practice at 5:45 a.m. ET, with about 200 fans eagerly awaiting their arrival. The early start was no surprise after coach Urban Meyer promised to make summer workouts and two-a-day practices the toughest in his five years.

His rationale? For the most part, Florida has basically the same team that beat Oklahoma 24-14 in the Bowl Championship Series title game in Miami, and Meyer wants his players to avoid complacency.

Tebow and Spikes vowed to not let that happen. The team captains led offseason workouts and never shied from talk of going unbeaten.

"It's a big goal," Spikes said. "It's something I think about every day. Our whole summer we've been stressing this. My job is to make sure the guys don't get satisfied. We've got to keep striving and push that rock back to the top of the hill."

The Gators won their second national title in 2006, when Tebow and Spikes were freshmen, then bounced back from a rebuilding year to earn a second ring this past January. Both of them considered turning pro, but they decided to come back and try to make history.

And they don't want to leave anything to chance. Last season, Florida had to rebound from an early season loss to Mississippi and win 10 in a row to reach the title game.

"It's pressure, but it's nothing that we can't live up to," cornerback Joe Haden said.

Defensively, Florida returns 21 of 22 players on the two-deep depth chart. Defensive tackle Torrey Davis transferred in March.

"That's one of the reasons I decided to come back my senior year," Spikes said. "I just wanted to rewrite history. We've got a good chance. We've got Tebow and [many] starters coming back and a lot of young guys. It's going to be great."

Although replacing receivers Percy Harvin and Louis Murphy will be one of the main objectives during fall practice, the Gators have running backs Jeff Demps, Chris Rainey and Emmanuel Moody back as well as tight end Aaron Hernandez, receiver Deonte Thompson and the Pouncey twins.

Receiver Riley Cooper, who signed a baseball contract with the Texas Rangers, got permission this week to play football as a senior.

"It's a special team," said Cooper, who caught 18 passes for 261 yards and three touchdowns last season. "I wanted to come back and contribute for a third national championship."

Linebacker Dustin Doe (suspended) and safety Ahmad Black (unknown reason) were not at the first practice. Running back Emmanuel Moody and receiver Carl Moore sat out drills while rehabbing injuries.

The freshmen, including highly touted receiver Andre Debose, were scheduled to practice later Thursday. They've been around Tebow and Spikes the past few weeks, some even longer, and surely have the same goal of going undefeated this season.

Spikes weighed in at 258 pounds, about 18 pounds heavier than he plans to play this season. Tebow tipped the scales at 242, right about where he wants to be this fall.