Football Who will be the best player in the NFL Draft???

I hate to go with the Sexy Picks like QB and RB on offense, though Leinart and Young will both do well, and Bush Maroney and Norwood look to have good years as well
I have to go out ona limb and throw up a couple underdawgs like Maurice Drew-Jones and dont anyone forget Greg Jennings GB WR who is doing very well thus far.

On defense, I'm going with DL Tamba Hali KC having a great year....Ernie Sims too, as well AS Donte Whitner

Final Votes Jennings and Hali
mario williams defense and the way these sleeper rbs are playing im thinking laurence maroney/leon washington/or even joseph addai. if nto those rbs my man leinart. but one of those 3 rbs is goin to win. bush is out look at rushin yards.
Allthough The Jags are a huge Disapointment view now, I love all the Drew Talk.

Let me be the first to say Drew ROY.

Also I am the #1 Drew fan and collector.