Panini acts on redemption -- from 2013


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In 2013 I pulled an autograph redemption on s 2013 Panini Prizm Rookie Autographs Eric Reid San Francisco 49ers. I submitted the redemption right away. I've long since forgot about it. On Dec. 28 I received an email from Panini that they were sending a replacement card after nine years.
I can't complain about the replacement:
Cam Akers 2020 Donruss Origins rookie autograph. It's a very nice on-card autograph in his college uniform. So I guess the moral is don't ever give up on those redemptions being fulfilled!
Opened one for a Aldon Smith 2011 Limited Monikers gold /25 on March 29th 2012 and just received a package yesterday. Not crazy about the first card in the pack but the other two are nice.
Panini must be catching up on its redemptions. I received two baseball redemptions from 2020 yesterday. Got two decent prospect autographs, so I'm ok with that.
Wow, I can't believe it took so long on those. I just did a Julio Rodriguez auto redemption back in December but after hearing about these, not sure that will happen. Glad you got something!!
That is wild! How many years does it take, seriously! For the cost of the products, the redemptions should be moving a little faster, perhaps? Gives me some hope, I had sent a couple in back in 2012-2013 somewhere in there, so maybe they will come back??


I generally hang onto redemptions because of those issues I check ebay from time to time to see if I see that card listed THEN I know the redemption has been signed and I send it in. It also gives you the option to sell it at anytime but once you redeem it your at the mercy of Panini. Once it gets close to expiration and the card is still not signed I generally go ahead and sell the redemption!