Looking for current raptors gu/autos.

really intrested in those 2 (hes from ak where i'm stationed cool guy) he played for the aces while nhl was on strike or whatever
most of it was base but ive made several trades since we started dealing have about 300-400 base incoming that being at least 150-200 current base so I dont need more.

the gomez auto id only trade for a comparable auto in hockey sorry but its a real nice card and id be looking for something nice in return and not trading down.Dont like trading autos for gu or rookies most of the time also dont like trading hockey for basketball sorry man.
well i just put in the thread b/c you said you wanted them

how about this trade

2005-06 SP Authentic 144 Niklas Nordgren AU $15
2005-06 Upper Deck Ice Glacial Graphs GGJB Jay Bouwmeester $20
2006-07 Upper Deck Rookie Debut Materialization CB Chris Bosh $8

02-03 Private Stock Titanium Jsy Scott Gomez (red) $12
01-02 Topps Gold Label Scott Gomez $25

id have to think about that offer I know its in my favour but like I said bouwmester being a defenceman is harder to trade and nordgren im not trying to sound rude but I dont even know who he is or what team he is on im guessing he is a goalie though.ill pm you if I make up my mind though.
aaron I think im going to pass its a very nice offer I just like my gomez a lot.and im not all that interested in trading it unless I get a nice auto in return if you want you can make another offer though.
for basketball all im really looking for is paul gordon and green atm.have any of them. would you do a trade just for my gomez gu.