Braves Tradelist


Bench Warmer

91 topps rc-333
91 ud rc-671
04 ud power up shining through st-68
05 ud pros&prospects 31
06 fleer ultra diamond producers dp2
05 fleer patchworks 27
04 fleer draft rewind 3 of 30 dw
05 donruss leather & lumber 28
04 cracker kack 84
06 topps si 4 kids 25 of 25/giles on back
00 ud big league beat bb5
02 ud big league breakdown bl3
04 topps 390
06 topps crome 14
05 donruss prestige 110
02 donruss 149
05 fleer 58-section 3b row 10
03 ud 384
04 ud power up 30
05 ud all star 8
04 fleer draft edition 31
03 ud superstars 15
01 donruss fan club 20
95 ud collectors choice 154
05 ud team leaders 263 chipper/andruw
02 ud vintage 137
04 donruss 95
00 fleer ultra 70
02 ud vintage division series vs. astros 286
00 topps tek 2-6
00 topps gold label 16 class 3
02 fleer tradition curtain call u383
00 ud mvp 22
99 ud retro 8
00 topps bowmans best 2
04 topps opening day 141
06 ud first pitch 10
93 ud peter gammons inside the numbers 459
93 ud star rookie 24
97 pinnacle goin jake 194
93 ud collectors choice 152-silver sig
02 fleer tradition diamond standouts u284
03 topps 370
06 topps si for kids 2 of 25
06 topps team stars 328 giles/chipper
04 topps sporting news 720
05 topps opening day 129
01 donruss fan club 171
02 ud 148
05 donruss leather&lumber 91
03 topps 15
06 topps 71
05 cracker jack 83
04 donruss absolute memroabilia 129
05 ud mvp 85
04 fleer legacy 58
02 donruss classics 36
99 ud mvp 18
93 ud spx 58
99 ud vivtory 34
95 topps 175-gold sig
99 si for kids 796
92 triple play 7
88 donruss 644
89 donruss 381
96 score 327
02 fleer ex 76
01 donruss fan club 100
95 topps cy young 111
01 donruss leaf certified 36
98 bowman crome 57
96 donruss press proof 86 -1 of 2000
03 ud first pitch 144
99 topps championship highlights 226
93 donruss melvin nieves 320-rated rookie
98 donruss wes helms 335 rookie
98 donruss randall simon 323 rookie
06 topps joey devine 619 rc
06 fleer joey devine 63 rc
06 a&g mini brian mccann-rc
91 bowman javy lopez 587-rc
91 ud chipper jones 55-rc
93 donruss pat gomez 266-rc
88 donruss pete smith 571-rc
90 topps greg olson 84t-rc
91 topps greg olson 673
05 ud first pitch team leaders 263 chipper/andruw
05 ud all star legend phil niekro 95
02 ud piece of history phil niekro 47
02 ud tom glavine 144
06 topps heritage john thompson 459
06 topps kyle davies 239
06 topps tim hudson 388
06 topps opening day tim hudson 108
06 fleer greg maddux 101
06 topps andruw jones 345
04 fleer draft edition andruw jones 28
05 fleer classic clippings andruw jones 48
05 ud andruw jones 6
05 topps andruw jones uh163
06 topps andruw jones 267-crome
06 topps chipper jones 25
04ud power up chipper jones 30
06 topps todd pratt 439
03 ud john smoltz 144
04 ud juan cruz 311
98 score walt weiss rt98
02 donruss kevin millwood 247
06 topps ryan langerhans 333
06 topps wilson betemit 214
06 topps lance cormier 92
03 topps russ ortiz 126
04 ud russ ortiz 292
05 topps heritage juan cruz 53
04 topps juan cruz 162
04 topps antonio alfonseca 177
04 ud antonio alfonseca 170
04 topps antonio alfonseca 535
03 topps jason marquis 211
03 topps jung bong 254
04 topps mark derosa 503
04 topps trey hodges 553
01 ud ken caminiti 261
00 ud andres galarraga 158
02 ud kevin gryboski 133
03 ud shane reynolds 147
03 ud jung bong 150
03 ud mark derosa 389
04 topps mark derosa 72
03 topps total andy pratt 209
04 cracker jack russ ortiz 26
02 topps jason marquis 168
91 score francisco cabrera 63
91 score steve avery 80
92 triple play ron gant 126
93 donruss ron gant 210
92 leaf deion sanders 448
92 leaf rafael belliard 310
92 leaf alejandro pena 489
92 leaf damon berryhill 423
92 leaf otis nixon 358
91 topps paul marak 753
92 triple play steve avery 85
92 triple play lonnie smith 40
03 topps total matt belisle 97
04 mlb ray king 028
92 triple play david justice 217
92 leaf david justice 404
91 topps david justice 329
03 topps javy lopez 78
94 topps javy lopez 194
03 ud mvp javy lopez 15
04 ud rafael furcal 1
05 playoff prestige rafael furcal 1
05 cracker jack rafael furcal 2
04 donruss heroes rafael furcal 38
03 topps opening day rafael furcal 84
04 cracker jack rafael furcal 40
02 topps gold rafael furcal 415
05 donruss leather and lumber rafael furcal 111
04 ud first pitch rafael furcal 145
04 ud vintage rafael furcal 102
03 donruss heroes rafael furcal 40
03 ud mvp rafael furcal 16
05 topps heritage rafael furcal 304
03 topps rafael furcal 230
05 fleer skybox authentix johnny estrada 55
05 fleer johnny estrada 21
05 fleer platinum johnny estrada 55
05 bazooka johnny estrada 76
05 fleer showcase johnny estrada 56
06 topps ryan langerhans 333
04 topps bobby cox 269
06 topps bobby cox 267
05 fleer paul byrd 253
04 topps mike hampton 23
06 topps mike hampton 369
03 fleer tradition darren bragg u107
02 donruss julio franco 34
06 topps 2005 braves team 601
87 fleer billy sample 527
87 topps dale murphy 490
92 triple play dale murphy 260
89 donruss dale murphy 104
90 ud dale murphy 533
88 topps braves leaders 549 murphy/james/perry
88 donruss dale murphy 78
86 topps dale murphy 456
85 topps dale murphy 320
93 donruss otis nixon 262
jeff blauser 134
damon berryhill 78
brian hunter 290
terry pendleton 234
mark davis 52
francisco cabrera 184
88 donruss andres thomas 627
88 donruss david palmer 266
88 donruss zane smith 167
88 donruss dion james 190
88 donruss glenn hubbard 314
88 donruss dk glenn hubbard 22
88 donruss damos garcia 414
88 donruss jeff dedmon 325
88 donruss ken griffey 202
88 donruss rick mahler 389
I am interested in these and can offer up a Maddux insert or something of the like if interested... I know I have most of these but they have not been pulled seperately and I can fill in later...

87 topps dale murphy 490
92 triple play dale murphy 260
89 donruss dale murphy 104
90 ud dale murphy 533
88 topps braves leaders 549 murphy/james/perry
88 donruss dale murphy 78
86 topps dale murphy 456
85 topps dale murphy 320

Let me know :)
DiaperDandy said:
I will see tonight what I have to offer...

i also have about 30 more murphy cards, guess i'll get them listed.
i also collect the younger braves if you have em.
jeff francoeur, brian mccann, anthony lerew, adam laroche, martin prado
87 topps dale murphy 490
92 triple play dale murphy 260, 158
89 donruss dale murphy 104,
90 ud dale murphy 533
90 topps 750
92 ud 127
91 fleer ultra 270
04 fleer greats 124
94 topps gold 445
93 stadium club 572
86 topps mini 37
86 topps stickers murphy/coleman
88 topps braves leaders 549 murphy/james/perry
88 donruss dale murphy 78
86 topps dale murphy 456
85 topps dale murphy 320
86 donruss dale murphy 41
84 topps dale murphy 391
81 topps dale murphy 504
88 fleer 639 n.l.allstars murphy/keith hernandez
86 fleer 522
92 UD 32
90 fleer 591
90 leaf 744 murphy/dykstra
92 fleer ultra 249
92 fleer 541
92 leaf 527
92 leaf studio 79
88 topps 90
91 donruss146
91 leaf 412
89 flear 596
89 ud 672
90 topps 750
93 ud 706
89 ud 357
86 fleer sluggers murphy/garvey/parker 640
86 fleer dynamic duo murphy/horner 635
85 topps allstar 716
83 topps allstar 401
82 donruss 299
82 topps 668
86 topps 705
88 score 450 of 660
86 donruss dk 3
86 topps 18 of 22
91 opee cchee 85
92 prestige changing stripes c-24
81 topps 504
04 topps reprint of 91 topps 129

jaguars06 said:
Would you happen to have any Johnny Estrada?
05 fleer skybox authentix johnny estrada 55
05 fleer johnny estrada 21
05 fleer platinum johnny estrada 55
05 bazooka johnny estrada 76
05 fleer showcase johnny estrada 56
The wants on my List are three Players Estrada, Vargas, and Greg Aquino

Not sure I have any of those wants of your's, would you sell?