Bowman Sterling Case break happing right now!!!

great break for me.

4 tyrus rc's
sefalosha gu au rc
rodman gu
marion ref. gu
stoudamire gu.
maye another one too but i cant remember.

all are up for sale / trade if anyone is interested.

saw the break .. and who ever got the mavs got a lot of pops rookie .. one per a box i think .. don't know they may been two in one box ..

some nice stuff though ..

Seahawkz37 said:
Sounds like a fun case, maybe I can grab my team early next time!

P.S. Bhelser - When the Sergio comes in will it be FT?

more than likely it will be.....I'll post scans of all of mine when they come in
well ill sell all 4 of them cheap if anyone wants them. i have no use f them or anything else i pulled. i just bought cuz it fun and to see what i get. i collect football if anyone wants to trade also.
Congrats to all! Hope everybody was happy with their break?
BSC - ouch ;) Next time man :)

ac n mike - Can't believe I said nice Mavarich to ya when you got a few nice cards too lol