Anyone want Finest? Breaking a Mini right now...

chipw720 said:
do u kneed jarrett jack, antoine wright, or will bynum spa

Nope, I got them all. Plus another Jarrett Jack.

I like your Chris Pual Ultimate collection GU, and your J.R. Smith Ultimate auto.

PM Sent
chipw720 said:
do u kneed jarrett jack, antoine wright, or will bynum spa

Nope, I got them all. Plus another Jarrett Jack.

I like your Chris Pual Ultimate collection GU, and your J.R. Smith Ultimate auto.

PM Sent
chipw720 said:
do u kneed jarrett jack, antoine wright, or will bynum spa

Nope, I got them all. Plus another Jarrett Jack.

I like your Chris Pual Ultimate collection GU, and your J.R. Smith Ultimate auto.

PM Sent
chipw720 said:
do u kneed jarrett jack, antoine wright, or will bynum spa

Nope, I got them all. Plus another Jarrett Jack.

I like your Chris Pual Ultimate collection GU, and your J.R. Smith Ultimate auto.

PM Sent
chipw720 said:
do u have marvin williams
and could u do the paul for the redd
i just traded thr jr ultimate

I don't have Marvin Williams, but I could do the Paul for the Redd. Make a transaction page to complete the deal.