Send Me some COMC offers! Lots of Unique Stuff!Refractors! Short Prints!


Bench Warmer
I just added about 500 cards to my comc and have about 500 more coming in next week. I always tell myself ill just let them sit but I always get impatient and start excepting offers. I have a lot of 96 topps stars finest refractors and inserts and many other star player refractors in there. Also quite a few football short prints. So check them out and send me some offers. If the cards unique I priced it kind of hoigh because I don't have any idea of what theyre going for. I tried to match ebay sold prices on everything I found that was unique to this site. If there were other cards I put them at the lowest price. Theres cards right now up to 91 percent off.
arranged by highest book
brandenscards's Cards -
by highest percent off
brandenscards's Cards -