iOS PWA and push notification support


Staff member
5.00 star(s)
Hi everybody,

I wanted to share this information, especially to those of you using iPhones!

Mike updated this for us (thank you Mike!). Here is the info and official text from XenForo:

iOS 16.4 finally introduced push notifications for iOS devices. To facilitate this, your members need to install your site as a PWA (by utilising the Add to Home Screen feature in Safari). XenForo 2.2.13 now satisfies all of the prerequisites for this to support push notifications which can be enabled by your members once they log in through the PWA and enable push notifications in their Preferences.

The PWA (progressive web app) has now been enhanced with additional gesture based or UI controls, including pull down to refresh and a floating back button.

Basically, in order for members on iPhones/Apple tablets to get push notifications, you will need to "install the site" to your phone or tablet. This actually works better because it makes the site quicker/easier to access. Also, you'll get the push notifications on your phones or tablets versus email notifications or no notifications at all!

Android users have been enjoying this for years now and I have been told that it is really awesome and a game changer! :)

So we wanted to share this info with you all since a good amount of folks are probably using iPhones/Apple tablets.

Please let us know if anybody has any questions.

Thought I would bump this one up as we’ve recently taken on a few members who I know are using Twitter/Discord. Follow the instructions above and you can get push notifications for any of your threads and conversations here if you’re on an iPhone.