Id love to make a few trades


Bench Warmer
Ok I have dug out my box my binder and all my autos gu and most all rcs almost all are ft/fs lmk your team etc I will dig through them Since Ive pulled them all out it wont take 5 mins or so the way I have them labeled and sorted all Im looking to do is to trade up I can trade in your fav to an extent Im looking for nice rcs , Gu ed thats nice and rc autos if you are intrested in trading please lmk only trading in your fav for autos
Can you please check to see if you have anything in my sig that I need. Thankyou April I do have some paypal if you can't find anything in my site
Do you have any gu'd of these guys
Reggie Wayne Colts
Greg Olsen Bears
Jeremy Shockey Giants
Chad Johnson Bengals
Ray Lewis Ravens
Ed Reed Ravens
Clinton Portis

i see that you like miami hurricanes i have a clinton portis rookie card from when he played on the hurricanes for a trade;) Canesfan