Yankee Stadium: Rebuilding the House that Ruth Built with Legos!

Yankee Stadium: Rebuilding the House that Ruth Built with Legos! « Zell’s Pinstripe Blog

This is unbelievable and I thought I would share. It looks great, and the time and effort this guy took was amazing.

Sean Kennedy: Art with Lego Bricks

September 21, 2008 marks the closing of Yankee Stadium, an 85-year-old piece of New York history that is being supplanted by a newer, bigger stadium.

Using over 45,000 LEGO bricks, a Manhattan gradeschooler and I have been building a sculpture of Yankee Stadium over the past three years. It will be complete in the next few months; these preview photos give you an in-progress look at the sculpture. The sculpture is 5 feet wide and 5 feet long, built to an approximate scale of 1:150.

The “façade” (above) is a unique feature of Yankee Stadium that fans know and recognize. It was very important to get this visual feature correct!

“Monument park” (above) includes placards and monuments to famous Yankees players, like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, and Lou Gherig.

The building is built to look as it does to this day, including all of the modifications that were made over the history of the building (above). When complete, it will be populated with tons of miniature people, hot dog vendors, scoreboards, and more.

An elevated train line runs alongside the stadium. When complete, it will contain a microscale New York City subway train, with lots of traffic and crowds on the street below.

Working on the stadium
A Manhattan grade schooler and I am building the stadium together. We began work on the sculpture in February 2006, working on a fairly regular schedule each week. The pictures below were taken during the course of 2006, 2007, and 2008.