June 2015 Card of the Month


Mr. Baseball
Staff member
5.00 star(s)
Slow month in May so lets see those hits this month!

Here's how it works.

  • All cards nominated must have been obtained within the month they're being nominated for, or within the last 48 hours.
  • Members can nominate their own cards, or other member's cards.
  • There must be a scan of the card, on TCZ, that is being nominated.
  • You can either post the scan directly in this thread or post a link to the thread, on TCZ, where the card is shown.
  • At the end of the month, the TCZ team will determine which cards (maximum of 20) will be added to the poll to be voted on.
  • Each member will be held to only 2 nominees per month for the final voting. Members can still nominate as many as they want throughout the month then that member will have to let the team know which 2 cards that they would like to go to the vote.
I want to nominate @urbanmonk's Mike Modano auto from his PC mail day thread.
