Hockey Upper Deck releases how many products per year?


NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
I saw on another site that UD produces 18 - 22 products each year... what?

Can anyone tell me if this is true... and if so... why?
The number of products companies produce now-days is ridiculous and most of the products are all looking the same, and have the same type of inserts making everything worth less and less. It is making it harder and harder for set collectors to complete any kind of set, let alone a "master" set. Oh and the "base" sets seem to be becoming smaller and smaller, but even some base cards are being short printed making it that much harder for base set collectors to even collect a full base set.

Do the card companies even listen to the collectors anymore?
Do the card companies even listen to the collectors anymore?
Sure they do...they base it on sales. If they continue to make more products...and more products sell, then they are "listening" to collectors. If collectors as a whole wanted to force change, we would do it by not buying the product.